Visual Art

The visual arts are art forms that create works which are primarily visual in nature, such as ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, printmaking, modern visual arts (photography, video, and filmmaking), design and crafts. These definitions should not be taken too strictly as many artistic disciplines (performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts) involve aspects of the visual arts as well as arts of other types. Also included within the visual arts are the applied arts such as industrial design, graphic design, fashion design, interior design and decorative art.

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Creative Designer,Primeworks Studio, Media Prima Berhad / B.A Hons Fineart University Technology MARA,Malaysia

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


The artists Binoculars borrow its title from the optical instrument and symbolizes, the artist act looking into the distant future with his eighteen ceramic work, which in turn consist of three discernable series: Reborn,Mind Machine and Xerox.Across the three, forms take on space-age guises as body parts mingle with machine components and human flesh fraternizes with nuts and bolts.And altogether, the humble, ultilitarian medium of ceramic is given a futuristic facelift to represent Khuzairie's observations of socio-cultural changes caused by our ever-increasing dependence on science and technology.

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